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Analytical accounting

Available soon

Analyse the profitability of your products and workstations

Bloobiz helps you interpret the numbers revealed by general accounting in order to better evaluate your company's financial situation. This way, you'll be aware of the cost and profitability of each product or activity in your company (marketing, production, administration...).

Manage your analytical transactions

Generate analytical transactions and display the ones that are yet to verify. With the analytical accounting module, you can also determine the actual task distribution according to one or more analytical accountings that are set up. Moreover, once analytical transactions are generated, they may be displayed on a screen while indicating different search criteria.

Two people speaking about work
Analytics picture

Analyse profitability and expenses

Clear and specific tables

The dashboards allow for gathering all transactions that are assigned to you. You can check an analytical transaction or perform a breakdown manually from a single page. Distribution tables allow you to view costs and product reassignment, as well as analyse profitability and costs by focus of analysis. For instance, you could break down supplier invoices inside your general accounting by sold product at your company.

View and edit accounting balances, export them as CSV format and/or print them.

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